I swear!! No, REALLY!!!

Yes, you can.

Click HERE to begin your hula-hoop journey!

Here’s the truth: If you can walk, you can hoop. If you’re currently struggling, you probably just need a BIG HOOP. Lots of adults start with kid-sized hoops and wonder why they “can’t do it anymore.”

Simple—you got bigger, but the hoop didn’t.

I was 35 years old the first time I got a hula-hoop going around my waist. I had been lightly traumatized in my single-digit years when I was the only kid on the playground who could not do it. I strenuously avoided hula-hoops for the next three decades.

Then, in 2005, I saw this cute guy doing what seemed to be a sacred dance with what appeared to be a large, black hula-hoop. A couple days later, my friend Kimowan introduced me to the cute hoop guy, Baxter…and my life changed forever.

~ Click here to stream Ann’s series of beginner hoop classes ~